1. Name

The club shall be called (the “Ballon Dor Football Academy”).

Our Mission

We are passionate about football and its positive impact on our community. Our core objectives are:

  • To Provide Facilities: We strive to offer high-quality facilities that support participation and enjoyment of the game for all our members.
  • To Promote Football: We are dedicated to fostering a love for football within our community. We encourage people of all ages and abilities to get involved and experience the beautiful game.
  • To Organise Matches and Activities: We regularly organize matches and social activities that provide opportunities for our members to develop their skills, compete, and connect with others who share their passion for football.
  • To Encourage Community Participation: We actively seek to promote football participation within the wider community. We welcome everyone to join us and be part of our vibrant footballing community.

Status of Rules

These rules (the "Club Rules") set out the expectations and guidelines for all members of Ballon Dor Football Academy. By joining the club, you agree to abide by these rules.  This ensures a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Following the Rules

We follow the rules and regulations set forth by the governing bodies of football. This ensures a fair and consistent playing experience for everyone involved.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Alignment with Governing Bodies: Our Club Rules adhere to the regulations of The Football Association Limited ("The FA") and the County Football Association ("Parent County Association") to which we are affiliated. This also includes following the rules of any competitions we participate in.
  • Following Established Procedures: All members are expected to exercise their rights and responsibilities within the framework of these governing body regulations.
  • Maintaining Compliance: Any changes to our Club Rules require prior written approval from the Parent County Association. The FA and the Parent County Association reserve the right to approve any proposed amendments.
  • Commitment to Safeguarding: We are fully committed to upholding The FA's Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct, and Equality Policy.

Becoming a Member

We welcome new members who share our passion for football. Here's how membership works:

  • Membership Register: We maintain a Membership Register that lists all our current members. The Club Secretary is responsible for keeping this register up-to-date.
  • Applying for Membership: Anyone interested in joining our club can submit a Membership Application Form. These forms are available from the club.
  • Inclusive Membership Process: The Club Committee reviews all membership applications. We have a fair and transparent selection process that adheres to our anti-discrimination and equality policies.
  • Appeals Procedure: If your application is not accepted initially, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Club Committee following our established Complaints Procedure.
  • Confirmation of Membership: Once your application is approved, your name will be added to the Membership Register, officially making you a member of Ballon Dor Football Academy.
  • Maintaining the Register: If a member resigns or their membership is terminated, their name will be removed from the Membership Register.
  • Transparency with Governing Bodies: The FA and Parent County Association have the right to access the Membership Register upon request.

Membership Fees

The Club Committee sets the annual membership fee, ensuring it remains accessible without compromising our ability to achieve our objectives.

Payment and Fees:

  • The membership fee is payable upon successful application for membership and annually thereafter.
  • Once paid, membership fees are non-refundable.

Additional Subscriptions:

In exceptional circumstances, the Club Committee may need to request additional subscriptions from members. These additional fees would only be implemented if deemed absolutely necessary to fulfill the essential objectives of the club.
We are committed to transparency regarding our fees. If you have any questions about membership fees, please don't hesitate to contact the Club Committee.

Leaving the Club: Resignation and Expulsion

These guidelines outline the process for resignation and expulsion:

  • Voluntary Resignation: Members can resign from the club at any time by notifying the Club Committee in writing.
  • Involuntary Resignation: Membership will automatically lapse if annual membership fees or additional subscriptions remain unpaid for more than two months. This is considered an involuntary resignation.
  • Expulsion: In exceptional circumstances, the Club Committee may decide to expel a member if it's deemed to be in the best interests of the club. This decision can be appealed following our established Complaints Procedure.
  • No Claim to Club Assets: Members who resign or are expelled are not entitled to any claim over the club's income or assets.

Committee at Ballon Dor

We are fortunate to have a dedicated committee that oversees the day-to-day operations of the club.

  • Committee Composition: The Committee consists of various Club Officers, including a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Welfare Officer (for clubs with youth teams), Secretary, Minutes Secretary, and up to five additional members. All committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Term of Office: Committee Officers and Members typically hold office for one year, from the date of their appointment until the next AGM. Exceptions can be made through resolutions at Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs). Additionally, no one individual can hold more than two Club Officer positions simultaneously.
  • Committee Responsibilities: The Club Committee is responsible for managing all aspects of the club's affairs. Decisions are made by a simple majority vote at Committee meetings, with the Chairperson holding the casting vote in case of a tie. The Chairperson, or in their absence, the Vice-Chairperson, presides over Committee meetings. A minimum of three Committee members (quorum) is required for official meetings to proceed.
  • Record Keeping: The Club Secretary maintains a Minute Book that records all decisions made during Committee meetings.
  • Committee Meetings: Committee meetings are called by any member with at least seven days' notice provided to all Committee members. We hold a minimum of four Committee meetings a year.
  • Filling Vacancies: Outgoing Committee members are eligible for re-election. Any vacancies arising between AGMs are filled through a nomination process. A remaining Committee member proposes a candidate, seconded by another member, and approved by a simple majority vote of the remaining Committee.
  • Decision-Making Authority: The Club Committee has the authority to address any questions or disputes related to the Club Rules, except in instances where The FA, Parent County Association, or relevant Competition regulations supersede their decisions.
  • Officer Disqualification: A Club Officer's position becomes vacant if The FA suspends them from holding office or participating in football activities related to club administration or management.

Staying Informed and Involved: General Meetings

At [Organisation Name], we believe in transparency and member participation. Here's how we keep our members informed and involved through General Meetings:

  • Annual General Meetings (AGMs): We hold an AGM each year to provide an opportunity for:
    • Reviewing Club Activities: A report summarizing the club's activities over the past year is presented.
    • Financial Transparency: We share a detailed report on the club's finances for the previous year.
    • Committee Elections: This is where members elect the Club Committee members who oversee the club's operations.
    • Open Forum: The AGM also provides a platform for members to raise any other relevant issues.
  • Nominations Process: Nominations for Club Officer and Committee member positions must be submitted in writing at least 21 days before the AGM. Both the proposer and seconder must be existing club members. Similarly, any proposed resolutions for discussion at the AGM need to be submitted to the Club Secretary at least 21 days beforehand.
  • Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs): The Club Committee can call an EGM at any time. Additionally, upon receiving a written request signed by at least five members, outlining the purpose of the meeting and any proposed resolutions, the Club Secretary is obligated to convene an EGM within 21 days. The types of business discussed at EGMs are similar to those addressed at AGMs.
  • Meeting Notices: The Club Secretary sends written notices to all members (including the meeting date and proposed resolutions) at least 14 days before any General Meeting (AGM or EGM).
  • Quorum: A minimum number of members (quorum) must be present for a General Meeting to proceed officially. The specific quorum requirement is not specified here but can be added if mentioned in the original content.
  • Voting Rights: The Chairperson, or a designated Committee member in their absence, presides over the meeting. Generally, each member present has one vote, and resolutions are passed by a simple majority. In case of a tie, the Chairperson has the casting vote. An exception applies to members under 18; they cannot vote directly, but one of their parents or guardians can vote on their behalf.
  • Meeting Minutes: The Club Secretary, or a designated Committee member, is responsible for recording the minutes of all General Meetings in the Club's Minute Book.

Team Management

We are committed to providing a positive experience for all our players across different teams. Here's how we ensure each team functions smoothly:

  • Team Managers: Following each Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Club Committee appoints a dedicated member to oversee each of our football teams. These team managers are responsible for:
    • Day-to-Day Operations: They manage the overall affairs of their respective teams.
    • Reporting to Committee: At the last Committee meeting before the AGM, each team manager presents a written report summarising their team's activities throughout the year.

Financial Management

We follow sound financial practices to ensure the long-term sustainability of the club. Here's a breakdown of our key financial policies:

  • Club Bank Account: A dedicated bank account is maintained in the club's name ("Club Account"). To ensure proper oversight, withdrawals require signatures from two out of three designated signatories: the Club Chairperson, Club Secretary, and Treasurer. All club income is received by the Treasurer and deposited into this account.
  • Use of Club Funds: Club funds can only be used to support the objectives outlined in our Club Rules. Distribution of profits or proceeds from selling club assets directly to members is strictly prohibited.
  • Payments and Remuneration: The Club Committee has the authority to authorise payments for various purposes. This includes reimbursing reasonable expenses incurred by members (excluding playing fees) and compensating other individuals for services rendered to the club. It's important to note that club members cannot be paid for playing.
  • Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) Benefits: As a CASC, we are eligible to provide various sporting and social facilities, equipment, coaching, courses, insurance coverage, medical treatment, away-match expenses, post-match refreshments, and other benefits as outlined in the Finance Act 2002.
  • Trading Activities: In connection with our sporting objectives, the club is permitted to:
    • Sell food, drinks, sports clothing, and equipment.
    • Hire and pay members (excluding playing) for providing goods and services at fair rates determined by the Committee, ensuring their absence during these discussions.
    • Offer reasonable hospitality to visiting teams and guests.
  • Indemnification: The club offers liability protection (limited to the extent of our assets) to the Committee and members acting appropriately while managing the club's affairs.
  • Financial Records: We maintain accurate accounting records that detail all financial transactions. These records allow for transparent reporting of the club's financial health, including assets and liabilities. We are required to retain these records for a minimum of six years.
  • Annual Financial Statements: An annual "Financial Statement" is prepared following a format provided by The FA. This statement is verified by an independent, qualified accountant and subsequently approved by members at a general meeting. A copy of this statement is provided to The FA upon request.
  • Club Property Custodians: Club property, excluding the bank account, is entrusted to two to four designated custodians, one of whom must be the Treasurer. These custodians manage the club's property based on decisions made by the Committee, documented in the Minute Book.
  • Custodian Appointment and Removal: Custodians are elected by the club during a General Meeting and hold office until they resign, pass away, or are removed by a resolution at a General Meeting.
  • Transfer of Custodianship: In the event of removal, resignation, or death of a custodian, the following procedures apply:
    • Resignation or Removal: The outgoing custodian must sign a transfer document, following The FA's guidelines, to appoint a new custodian or transfer ownership to the remaining custodians, as directed by the Committee. The club will provide a copy of this document to The FA upon request.
    • Death: Club property automatically transfers to the remaining custodians upon the death of a custodian. If only one custodian remains, an EGM must be convened to elect a new custodian as soon as possible.
  • Custodian Indemnity: Custodians are entitled to reimbursement from the Club Property for reasonable expenses and liabilities incurred while fulfilling their duties.


We are dedicated to serving our community through football. However, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate dissolving the club. Here's what this process entails:

  • Dissolution Vote: The decision to dissolve the club can only be proposed and voted on during a General Meeting. This requires a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present to approve the dissolution.
  • Winding Up Process: If the dissolution is approved, it takes effect immediately. The Club Committee becomes responsible for overseeing the conclusion of the club's affairs. This includes settling any outstanding debts and liabilities.
  • Distribution of Remaining Assets: Once all debts and liabilities are settled, any remaining club assets will be transferred to another club, a Competition, the Parent County Association, or The FA. These funds must be used for related community sports purposes.