Implementation Date:  1 July 2024
Agreed By: Neil Coombs
Next Review Date:
1 July 2025


At Ballon Dor Football Academy, the safety and well-being of children and adults at risk is our top priority. We're dedicated to fostering awareness and empowering everyone involved with our academy to build a secure environment. This includes the ability to promptly and effectively identify and report any concerns. Everyone at Ballon Dor Football Academy shares the responsibility of promoting and protecting the welfare of children and adults at risk, regardless of their specific role.

Please note that our safeguarding policy and procedures specifically for those under 18 years old are covered in a separate document.

Ballon Dor Football Academy strives to create a welcoming and safe atmosphere for all adults. We prioritise their well-being and offer clear procedures for safeguarding adults at risk who work with our staff, board members, or volunteers.

Policy statement

This policy outlines the procedures that Ballon Dor Football Academy (the "Academy") is committed to following.

Our Commitment

This policy is designed to promote good practice and emphasise the responsibility of everyone at the Academy to be vigilant for signs of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults at risk. We encourage swift action whenever there's a concern regarding the welfare or safety of an adult at risk.

Who This Policy Applies To

This policy outlines our safeguarding approach and applies to everyone involved with Ballon Dor Football Academy. This includes all staff, volunteers, and partner organisations. It's crucial that everyone plays their part in upholding the safeguarding responsibilities and commitments outlined in this policy. These commitments should be at the forefront of everything we do.

Duty of Care

Ballon Dor Football Academy recognises our duty of care. This means taking all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect people from harm. We are committed to acting when we suspect someone is being harmed or is at risk of harm.


Ballon Dor Football Academy is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for everyone who comes through our doors. Here's how our Safeguarding Policies aim to achieve this:

  1. Fostering a Safe and Inclusive Space: We strive to develop a proactive and positive approach to safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk. This ensures everyone using our facilities or participating in associated activities can do so in a fun and secure environment.
  2. Equipping Our Staff and Volunteers: We prioritise training. All staff and volunteers will receive comprehensive safeguarding awareness training aligned with guidance from The National League and The FA requirements..
  3. Collaboration for Enhanced Protection: Ballon Dor Football Academy values collaboration. We actively cooperate with partner organisations to deliver projects specifically designed for adults potentially at risk, including older adults, individuals with disabilities, mental health participants, and those involved in recovery programs.
  4. Championing Best Practices: We are dedicated to demonstrating best practices when it comes to safeguarding the well-being of all adults at risk. We continuously strive to improve our policies and procedures based on the latest guidance and best practices.
  5. Ethical Interactions: Ballon Dor Football Academy promotes ethical work with adults at risk. We ensure all interactions are respectful, supportive, and prioritise the well-being of the individual.

6. Achieving National League Standards: We are committed to meeting the high standards set by The National League for Safeguarding and Protecting Adults at Risk.

Principles and values:

At Ballon Dor Football Academy, we are committed to the following safeguarding principles:

Inclusivity and Respect: We believe all adults, regardless of background, disability, or identity, have the right to participate in a safe and enjoyable environment. We strive to make our activities inclusive and welcoming, making reasonable adjustments where necessary.

Respect for Dignity and Rights: The dignity and worth of all adults will be respected at all times.

Recognizing Vulnerability: We acknowledge that some adults, particularly those with care and support needs, may be more susceptible to abuse. We remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to safeguard their well-being.

Collaboration and Reporting: We take a shared responsibility for ensuring everyone's safety. We encourage everyone to report any concerns, whether they arise within the Academy (e.g., inappropriate coach behaviour) or in the wider community. All allegations will be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

Partnership with Statutory Agencies: We recognize the vital role of statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and are committed to working collaboratively with them to protect adults at risk.

Taking Action:

If we believe or are informed that an adult at risk may be harmed, we will take immediate action. This may involve referring the matter to the police, social care services, or The FA Case Management Unit for further investigation.

Adults at Risk Of Harm

Ballon Dor Football Academy is committed to protecting adults who may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect. This includes adults aged 18 or over who:

  • Require Care and Support: These individuals may or may not be receiving assistance from local authorities.
  • Face Abuse or Neglect (or Risk Of): They may be experiencing or at risk of harm.
  • Limited Capacity for Self-Protection: Due to their care and support needs, they may be unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect.

It's important to remember that vulnerability can fluctuate depending on an individual's circumstances and current needs. Not all adults requiring care and support will be at risk. We assess situations on a case-by-case basis to ensure everyone's well-being.

What is Abuse?

This policy defines abuse as a violation of an adult's human and civil rights by another person or people. It can take two forms:

  • Acts of Commission: This includes direct harm, such as physical or verbal assault.
  • Acts of Omission: This occurs when the situation allows harm to happen, such as failing to provide proper care or creating an unsafe environment.

Abuse can be a single incident or a repeated pattern of behaviour. We are committed to identifying and preventing all forms of abuse.


This policy concerns an adult's ability to make specific decisions at a particular time. It's important to consider that this capacity can vary depending on the situation and the complexity of the decision. The general principle is to presume that an adult has the capacity to make their own choices unless there's clear evidence to the contrary.

Care and Support Needs

This policy focuses on care and support needs arising from an adult's physical or mental health. These needs are not caused by temporary circumstances.

Here are some examples of situations where an adult might require care and support:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Mental health conditions
  • Sensory impairments
  • Learning or cognitive difficulties
  • Substance abuse issues
  • Brain injuries

We will consider each situation on a case-by-case basis.

Safeguarding Concerns and Responsibilities

We take all safeguarding concerns seriously and will act promptly and appropriately. We prioritise the well-being of everyone using our services and are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment free from abuse, bullying, and intimidation.

Our Safeguarding Measures

To achieve this, we implement a rigorous recruitment process with thorough checks. We also have ongoing supervision and monitoring procedures in place, alongside clear guidelines on appropriate behaviour for all staff and volunteers.

Shared Responsibility for Safety

Everyone involved in our organisation has a duty to ensure the safety of others. If you have any concerns about the well-being of an adult, you are obligated to report them promptly.

How to Report a Concern

We encourage all staff, volunteers, and service users to familiarise themselves with this policy, which outlines the reporting procedures. Those responsible for responding to concerns will be equipped with the necessary guidance to ensure all matters are handled effectively.

Fulfilling Our Commitment to Safeguarding Adults at Risk

Dedicated Safeguarding Officers:

We have appointed dedicated Welfare Officers across all areas of our organisation. Any concerns, allegations, or disclosures regarding the well-being of adults at risk should be directed to the appropriate Welfare Officer- Nina Carter (07884 881513) and Neil Coombs  (07476485115). They will then liaise with the National League or County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) who will assess the seriousness of the information and make any necessary referrals to the relevant agencies.

Safe Recruitment Practices:

We are committed to responsible recruitment practices. Our procedures ensure thorough checks are conducted on all staff and volunteers.

Easy Access to Safeguarding Policies:

This policy is readily available for your reference on our website.

Alignment with National Standards:

Our safeguarding policies and procedures adhere to those established by The Football Association (FA) and The National League. Additionally, we are developing specific policies tailored to our organisation's needs.

Safeguarding Training:

We prioritise ongoing training and development for all staff and volunteers. The specific training provided will reflect an individual's role and their level of interaction with adults at risk.

Information Sharing and Data Protection:

We are committed to sharing information responsibly in order to safeguard adults at risk, children, and young people. We do so in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).

Promoting a Positive Environment:

Beyond this Safeguarding Policy, we actively promote initiatives that enhance the enjoyment of young people and families as participants and spectators within our organisation.

Reporting Concerns and Whistleblowing

This policy outlines the process for raising concerns about the well-being of adults at risk. However, we recognize there may be situations where a separate reporting mechanism is more suitable.

Separate Policy for Vulnerable Adults and Children:

Our organisation has a dedicated policy for reporting concerns specifically related to the welfare of vulnerable adults and children involved with our activities.

Equality and Discrimination Concerns:

If you have concerns about potential discrimination or equality issues, you can also report them through the established channels.

Reporting Other Malpractice:

This policy also applies to reporting any other suspected malpractice by individuals within our organisation, its projects, or as part of our general practices.

Clear Reporting Procedures:

The separate policy details the methods for raising concerns and how you can receive feedback on any actions taken in response.

Read the Whistleblowing policy.

Anti-bullying Policy

Our Commitment 

We are dedicated to fostering a welcoming, supportive, and safe space for all participants. We believe everyone should be able to enjoy our activities in a relaxed and secure environment, free from bullying of any kind.

We Take Bullying Seriously

Bullying is unacceptable, and we have a zero-tolerance policy. If you experience or witness bullying, we encourage you to speak up.

Reporting Procedures

We are a "TELLING" organisation. This means everyone involved, including participants, parents, and carers, has a responsibility to report bullying incidents. You can report concerns to the Welfare Officer, Designated Safeguarding Officer, or lead coach of the session or project.

Addressing Bullying Promptly

We are committed to handling all reported incidents promptly and effectively. All concerns will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately.

Bullying Beyond Children and Young People

It's important to remember that bullying can affect people of all ages. We are committed to creating a respectful environment for everyone involved in our organisation.

Refer to Anti Bullying policy.

Responding to Concerns or Allegations:

Everyone involved with our organisation, in both paid and unpaid capacities, has a responsibility to report any concerns or allegations of abuse towards an adult at risk.  This includes staff, volunteers, and participants.  We do not expect individuals to determine whether abuse has occurred.  Instead, please report any concerns to the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO).  Alternatively, you can contact the appropriate authorities directly.  By reporting your concerns, you are playing a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of adults at risk.  We are committed to investigating all concerns promptly and taking appropriate action.

Recognizing and Reporting Potential Abuse

While staff at Ballon Dor is not expected to be abuse experts, we encourage everyone to be vigilant and report any concerns promptly. Here are some situations that warrant immediate reporting to the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO):

Make a written record of the incident or grounds for concern:

We encourage a culture of open communication. While you may not be an expert in abuse recognition, even minor concerns are valuable. Here are some situations that warrant immediate reporting to the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO):

  • Suspected Abuse: If you suspect an adult at risk is experiencing neglect, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by anyone.
  • Bullying: If you observe bullying behaviour, including online cyberbullying, directed towards an adult at risk.
  • Unexplained Injuries: If you notice unexplained injuries or marks on an adult at risk, or their explanation seems improbable.
  • Behavioural Changes: If you observe significant changes in behaviour, such as withdrawal, tearfulness, or self-harm ideation in an adult at risk.
  • Inappropriate Online Behaviour: If you suspect an adult at risk has been exposed to inappropriate content or engaged in concerning online behaviour.
  • Accidental Injury: If you accidentally cause injury to an adult at risk, or witness another adult harming an adult at risk.
  • Emotional Distress: If you have concerns about the emotional well-being of an adult at risk who appears distressed.
  • Inappropriate Conduct: If you suspect an adult at risk may be developing inappropriate feelings towards you or another staff member.
  • Misunderstandings: If an adult at risk misinterprets your actions, potentially affecting your working relationship.

Don't Hesitate to Report: We understand you might worry about being mistaken, but it's always better to raise concerns. The CWO/DSO has the experience and responsibility to assess the situation effectively.

Reporting a Concern: Taking Action

We take all safeguarding concerns seriously. Here's how to report your concerns:

If There's Immediate Danger:

  • If an adult at risk is in danger or injured, call the emergency services immediately.

Reporting Concerns and Allegations:

  • If you receive an allegation, suspect abuse or poor practice, or have any other safeguarding concerns, report them promptly to the Club Welfare Officer (CWO) or Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO).

Next Steps:

  • The CWO/DSO will gather relevant information and determine the appropriate course of action. This may involve informing the National League DSO (Steps 1 & 2) or the County FA DSO, depending on the situation.
  • In serious cases that meet specific criteria, the matter may be escalated to the FA Safeguarding Case Management Team.

Incident Reporting:

  • The CWO/DSO will complete and submit an incident report form within 24 hours to the relevant County FA DSO.

Possible outcomes:

 If concern is considered poor practice/misconduct: If concern is considered, to be potential abuse:
Refer to CWO/DSO for resolution.

Criminal investigation/ prosecution

Club Resolution Investigation by the FA Safeguarding Case Management Team
Disciplinary action Resolution as poor practice / misconduct
No further action Club Safeguarding procedures

Other Policies:

Other policies at the club we follow

Adult Playing Code of Conduct
Anti Bullying Policy
Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials Code of Conduct
EDI Policy template
Safeguarding children Policy
FA Football Leadership Diversity Code
FA Safeguarding Children Policy (Youth Teams)
FA Safeguarding Children Policy (Adult Teams with U18 Players)
FA Equality Policy
FA Respect Code of Conduct
FA Club Rules / Constitution

Useful Contacts

Nina Carter 07884881513

Neil Coombs 07476485115

Email Address

Generic requests:

Welfare or safeguarding: